Adult Protective Services investigates reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of adults 60 years of age or older and incapacitated adults age 18 or older. Isle of Wight Social Services receives reports and conducts investigations to determine the need for protective services and provides or arranges for services if needed
Report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation to:
(757) 365-0880 - Monday through Friday (except holidays) from 8:30am – 5pm
(888) 832-3858 – 24 hours Adult Services Hotline
(800) 828-1120 - TTY
Please Note: Reports may be made anonymously
insert Gail's PDF about abuse
Adult Services allows the adult to remain in the least restrictive setting and function as independently as possible by establishing and/or strengthening appropriate family and social support systems or by supporting the adult in self-determination. Adult Services may include the provision of case management, home-based care, companion care services, and other activities to help the adult live independently.
Companion Program - Companion services are performed by home based care agency provider, who assist adults unable to care for themselves without assistance and where there is no one available to provide the needed services without costs. Individuals must meet eligibility requirements. Companion care activities include assistance with bathing; dressing; toileting eating/feeding; meal preparation shopping; supervision; light housekeeping and companionship.
Nursing Home Pre-Screenings - Screenings conducted by health department nurse and agency family services worker team to determine eligibility for long-term care services, which may include nursing home placement or community based care services in the home.
Assisted Living Facility Assessments – Assessments are completed for person needed to move to an assisted living facility and will be eligible for Auxiliary Grant payment to help with the cost of care in the facility.
To learn more about our adult services programs, please call (757) 365-0880 and ask to speak with an adult services family specialist.​